Our extensive knowledge of the complex environment and regulatory aspects of the regulated professions enables us to offer corporate and tax expertise to notaries and chartered accountants or statutory auditors.

Our firm assists notaries with the legal organization of their firms (bylaws, agreements, internal regulations), the entry of new partners and the departure of partners, the creation of networks of firms, the establishment of partnerships with other legal professionals, and the resolution of conflicts of governance and between partners.
We are involved in the following operations:
- Setting up networks of notaries' offices
- Involvement of a notary through profit-sharing tools
- Assistance with the formalization and negotiation of association agreements or withdrawals from association agreements
- Merger of notarial practices and creation of a multi-region practice
- Resolution of disputes between partners, advice on governance and related ethical issues
In this context, our team assists notaries in the following areas:
- Partners' agreements, including rules of governance,
- share transfer procedures, remuneration systems, etc.
- Merger protocols, merger agreements
- Articles of association and by-laws
- Access to capital for new partners
- Transactional agreements and governance issues, legal proceedings relating to conflicts between partners
- Ethical issues

Chartered accountants
Our firm's in-depth knowledge of the profession's regulatory constraints (H3C, etc.) and its recognized experience in mergers, reorganizations and shareholdings in service and liberal professions companies enable us to offer corporate and tax expertise to chartered accountants and statutory auditors.
We are involved in the following operations:
- Setting up networks and merging firms
- Association/Involvement of a chartered accountant through profit-sharing schemes
- Assistance with the formalization and negotiation of partnership agreements or withdrawals from partnerships
- Merger of firms, creation of multi-professional structures
- Resolution of disputes between partners, advice on governance and related ethical issues
Our team assists chartered accountants and statutory auditors in the following areas:
- Partners' agreements, including governance rules, share transfer procedures and remuneration systems
- merger protocols, merger agreements
- Articles of association and by-laws
- Access to capital for new partners
- Assistance with transactional agreements and governance issues
- Legal proceedings relating to disputes between partners
- Ethical issues

Healthcare professionals
Our firm assists doctors of all specialties, both private (self-employed and salaried) and public (hospital practitioners), in their practice and in their relations with the regulatory authorities, their professional association and the health insurance scheme.
We are involved in the following operations and issues:
- Setting up practice structures and managing disputes between partners
- Supporting self-employed practitioners in their professional projects
- Drafting and analysing practice contracts for private practitioners in clinics, and managing of related disputes
- Inspections of health insurance tariffs and handling of requests for recovery of undue payments
- Ethical complaints and disciplinary litigation
- Civil, criminal and administrative medical liability litigation
- Careers of hospital practitioners
- Private practice in hospitals
- New ways for practitioners to work in multi-professional healthcare centers (“maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles”), health centers, primary care teams, territorial professional health communities, office surgery and outpatient surgery structures in towns and cities
- Teleconsultation
- Digital health space and shared medical record
- Anti-gift law
Our firm assists private and public-sector pharmacists in all their activities (including dispensaries, internal-use pharmacies in healthcare establishments and medical biology analysis laboratories) and in their relations with regulatory authorities, their professional association and the health insurance scheme.
- Setting up, running and selling pharmacies
- Advice and litigation relating to the dispensing of medicines and other health products.
- Disputes between pharmacists
- Practice of pharmacist-biologists in medical biology laboratories
- Creation and operation of internal-use pharmacies
- Inspections of health insurance tariffs and processing of requests for recovery of undue payments
- Ethical complaints and disciplinary litigation
- Civil, criminal and administrative medical liability litigation
- Careers of hospital pharmacists
- Pharmacy teleconsultation
- Anti-gift law