Isaure Bouvier
Counsel in the Healthcare team
Isaure Bouvier’s role within Lerins’ Health practice is broad.
In Healthcare Corporate, she assists her clients (all healthcare stakeholders – health professionals, public and private healthcare establishments, healthcare industries, funds, etc.) throughout their internal and external growth operations.
She also advises clients on healthcare regulatory law, specifically in determining how they operate within regulatory constraints and in their relationships with supervisory authorities, the National Health Insurance Fund (Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie), and relevant professional bodies.
Furthermore, Isaure assists clients on issues related to healthcare contractual law, including structuring their operations and defending their interests in both pre-litigation and litigation stages. In litigation, she also represents clients in disciplinary cases before professional jurisdictions.
Areas of expertise
Regulatory health law/Compliance: Assisting healthcare professionals, public and private healthcare establishments, healthcare manufacturers, etc., in determining the terms and conditions of their activities, in compliance with regulatory constraints, and in their relations with supervisory authorities, health insurance institutions and professional associations.
Contractual health law/Contract: Assisting healthcare players (healthcare professionals, public and private healthcare establishments, healthcare manufacturers, funds, etc.) in the structuring of their activities (practice contracts, corporate structures for their practice such as the French SEL, SPFPL, SCM, “GCS”, multi-professional healthcare centers (“Maison de Santé Pluriprofessionnelle” or “MSP”), etc.) and defending their interests in pre-litigation and litigation (civil, professional, administrative or criminal liability, etc.).
Disciplinary litigation: Assisting healthcare professionals (doctors, dental surgeons, midwives, etc.) in defending their interests before the regulatory courts.
Master 1 General Private Law - University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (2014)