Flash News | Modification of a technical operating condition of the “Rehabilitation” home hospitalization authorization
Modification of a technical operating condition of the “Rehabilitation” home hospitalization authorization The reform of health care activity authorizations has…
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Flash News | “Valletoux” decree on authorizations held by health cooperation groups (GSCs) “de moyens”
“Valletoux” decree on authorizations held by health cooperation groups (GSCs) “de moyens” – publication in the Journal officiel Law n°2023-1268…
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Gestions hospitalières | Resumption of T2A controls in 2024: What should healthcare establishments expect?
Our partner Bruno Lorit publishes an article in Gestions hospitalières on the resumption of tariff controls for public and private…
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Flash News: New derogation from the exclusive practice of dedicated acts by IBODEs
Decree no. 2024-954 of October 23, 2024 on the conditions under which state-qualified nurses may perform the acts and activities mentioned in art. icle R. 4311-11-1 of the Public Health Code by State-qualified nurses, published in the JO of October…
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Lerins certified by EcoVadis
We are thrilled to announce that the firm has been awarded the bronze medal in its first evaluation by EcoVadis, a leading reference in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance assessment. What is EcoVadis? EcoVadis evaluates companies based on four key…
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Sniffy powder: the French government sends its draft suspension order to the European Commission
Following the media uproar caused by the marketing of Sniffy energy powder, the French Ministers of Labor and Consumer Affairs have issued a draft order suspending the marketing of products sold in the form of products intended for nasal consumption.…
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Rankings | Best Lawyers 2025: 9 partners and 11 practices areas
We are very pleased to announce that have been ranked in the 2025 edition of Best Lawyers: 9 Lerins partners: Laurent Bernet, Luc Castagnet, Mathilde Croze, Guillaume Jarry, Laurent, Julienne, Bruno Lorit, Stéphanie Nègre, Elsa Rodrigues 11 Lerins practice areas:…
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Lerins at the 15th edition of the JurisRun
We are proud to have taken part, this past Sunday, in the 15th edition of the Juris’Run, in support of the adpiDV organisation, which aims to integrate visually impaired people. apiDV – Accompagner, Promouvoir, Intégrer les Déficients Visuels. Bravo à…
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20 minutes | Can public authorities really ban “Sniffy”, the energizing powder taken through the nose?
Bruno Lorit, partner, comments for 20 Minutes, the announcement made by the French Minister of Health, Frédéric Valletoux, of his will to ban the energy powder “Sniffy”, which is consumed like cocaine. He details the legal grounds available to public authorities…
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Conference: Pharma Système Qualité « Unconventional growth relays »
Isaure Bouvier, counsel in the Lerins Health team spoke yesterday at the annual conference of the Pharma Système Qualité association on the theme « Unconventional growth relays ». She participated in the round table « The world today » alongside…
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